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Media Platforms Design Team

Gardenia flowers are more than dear to my heart. They were my Mama's (my mother's mom) most beloved flower. I grew up surrounded by these beautiful blooms and frequently gift them to my family for special occasions. When I came across High Camp Supply via Instagram, I was so taken aback by their unique and special targeted mission to deliver these flowers from farm to door.

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Media Platforms Design Team

The company was started by two dear friends Susan Hanson and Margaret Well. Two friends, each in love with this gorgeous flower, gifted gardenias to each other through their years of friendship. Being in love with the power and impact of this bloom, they founded High Camp Supply Co., a gardenia farm in California that specializes in locally sourced gardenias that are harvested from nearby organic growers and delivered to your door. Every bundle is picked and shipped the same day to preserve the highest quality of freshness. The duo was so obsessed with making sure the quality of their blooms was the best, they shipped themselves gardenia boxes for six months before launching this past summer.

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Media Platforms Design Team

To say their love and passion for this venture has played off is an understatement. The gift box of blooms came in perfect condition with some on-the-vine gardenias ready to sprout and loose blooms that were to be placed in water. Each bloom is abundantly full of the fragrance that only the gardenia flower entails — an aroma and presence that filled our home.

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Media Platforms Design Team

Photos by Kelly Stuart

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7 Inspiring Fall Tablesettings
9 Ways to Decorate With Flowers Outside the Vase
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